Friday, November 13, 2009

Welcome to the Bookworm's Hangout!

As an avid bibliophile my entire life, I figured it was time to turn the tables on my habit and begin to put pen to paper for others to read. This blog will hopefully become a place for my fellow readers to share good books with me and with each other, and for me to post reviews of my library of books from all genres. It is my wish that those who do read this blog come away with a new sense of what's good and not so good in the written world... at least, in my opinion.

I tried, and failed, to start a book club with some friends here in my hometown, so this is my neolithic way of trying again with others from around the world.

My interests include just about everything from fiction and nonfiction, but I really enjoy mystery/thriller books, political expositories and biographies, and series novels. As a substitute teacher, I also delve regularly into the world of kids' books, and as a retail bookseller (yes, I'm a new college grad working two jobs), I am exposed to new releases and books most people won't have heard of unless they were recommended the titles. So get ready to join me on my adventure. Please feel free to comment regularly with suggestions, your own opinions, and insights I may miss along the way.

Welcome to the Bookworm's Hangout!

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea for this blog, Andrew! I hope you stick w/ it. I'm always looking for new book ideas and am pretty open to many different things. I don't read the political books as much as I used to when I was in school. If you ever get a group together that would be interested in a www bookclub, I'd be interested in joining.

    I just went to the library and here's what's in my current stack (all auto/biographies...):

    "Long Way Down" by Ewan McGreggor (yes that Ewan McGreggor) and Charley something. It's about their motorcycle journey from Scottland to Cape Town. So far so good - very entertaining. I believe they partnered w/ UNICEF or some Org to help out some of the African towns they ride through.

    "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" by Pirsig. I picked this book up a few months ago and only made it half way through. It can be tedious, but I'm determined to read it. It's about this man who takes a motorcycle journey w/ his son and that part of the book is very interesting. And then there's parts of it that get very philosophical. It threw me for a huge loop, which is why I had a hard time reading it, but now that I'm prepaird for it, I'm ready to jump back into it.

    "Apetite for Life: The Julia Child Biography" Yes I got caught up in the Julie/Julia hoopla. Haven't started this one yet, but am looking forward to it. Fitch had access to much of Child's letters and documents so this should be really interesting.

    "Elizabeth" by Taraborelli. I'm a huge Liz Taylor fan. Also haven't started this one yet.
